Tisztelt Pályázó!
A Zala Megyei Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány az alábbi árajánlatkéréssel fordul Önökhöz:
Az ajánlatkérés tárgya:
Jelen ajánlatkérésnek az 1. számú mellékleteként meghatározott feladatok elvégzése, mely feladatok az Interreg Europe 2014-2020 Program, továbbá az Interreg Europe Call for additional activities (5th call), Access to Microfinance for Small and Mediumsized Enterprises című, PGI01356 számú, ATM for SMEs akronimmal rendelkező projekt keretein belül valósulnak meg.
Projekt ismertető:
The ATM for SMEs project was successful in facilitating the access to microfinance in terms of improving relevant polices and adopting GPs. The crisis gave a new momentum to microfinance programs; across Europe we see relevant initiatives to mitigate the impact of the crisis.
The partnership plans to further exchange experiences on such initiatives, in terms of how they facilitate the recovery from the crisis, and how they fit in to the policy environment. The add-on project will focus on exchange of experiences, learning and influencing regional policies so that measures related to microfinance and crisis resiliency can be well grounded, funded and accessible.
The policy changes will happen through improved governance (organising calls or the way projects are selected), new projects generated and structural change (modifying the the policy instrument). These improvements will enable the realization of local actions, which were inspired by the exchange of experiences on the new crisis recovery measures (possibly combined with microfinance).
The main activities are related to interregional learning (4 quarterly partner meetings) which will follow the agenda established in the 5-year project (exchange seminars, presentation of success stories, policy discussions). The partners will discuss the lessons learnt and prepare the local policy improvements in the framework of the meetings of the stakeholder group, including policy responsible bodies (1/semester/regional partner).
There are no changes in the partnership. The advisory partner will help interpreting the findings of the learning events in European context, especially regarding the policy environment.
The main outputs are: 7 policies improved by the project, 1 joint report on the role of microfinance within the context of COVID-19 recovery efforts; interregional exchange of experience (4 meetings), 2×8 stakeholder meetings, virtual publication with dissemination purpose, 2 newsletters and updates of the webpage.
Project implementation process:
Semester 1.:
The partners will prepare short assessment on the effects of COVID crisis on local SMEs, and map the new initiatives and responses. This will be the basis for the discussion on the 2 virtual meetings (months 2 and 5)
Topic of meeting 1: new eligible activities in the upcoming calls which can support diversification, transformation and crisis resilience. The findings will benefit mostly the policy improvement for PP3, PP6 (new projects generated, possibly including such activities) and also the LP, PP4 and PP5ZMVA (improved governance, measures enriched with such activities).
Topic of meeting 2: complex financial instruments supporting recovery efforts. The findings can help mostly the policy improvement for PP7 and PP9 (improved governance, refined conditions for financial instruments).
1 stakeholder meeting/regional partner will be organized to discuss the learning and policy improvement. The LP will publish a newsletter and ensure the update of the project website. The LP will organize a short virtual kick-off meeting in month 1.
Semester 2.:
The partners will ensure that the exchange of experiences will effectively lead to further policy improvements.
Topic of meeting 3 (month 8): promoting financial inclusion by creating favourable loan conditions and accessible guarantees. The findings will benefit mostly the policy improvement for PP2 (improved governance, adequately shaping the new measures). This meeting will be hosted by PP6, whose policy (ISIF) is the only one belonging to the 2014-20 programming period and is the most likely to deliver concrete results by the date of meeting 3. The new project showcased can be useful for the whole partnership, by providing a complex approach to helping MSME restructuring and facilitating access to finance.
Topic of meeting 4 (month 12): will be a final conference hosted by the LP, evaluating the policy improvements achieved and discussing how to ensure long-term durability of the results (selection and implementation of new projects based on the improved policies) and how to monitor territorial impact.
The advisory partner EMN will prepare a study on role of microfinance within the context of COVID recovery efforts. The goal of the study is to analyse and evaluate innovative financial instruments and successful policy responses to better serve the MSMEs evolving needs with microfinance in a post COVID scenario, based on the experience sharing in the ATM for SMEs project. The key findings can help the partners designing and implementing better the policy change.
For dissemination purposes, the LP will prepare a virtual publication on the project’s achievements, with explanations, short embedded videos and infocharts for decision makers. This can help elevating the findings and recommendations from the project to higher level policy promoters, influence other regional actors (outside the partnership), and gain visibility to the project results.
The LP will also prepare a newsletter and ensure updating the project website.
The planned policy instrument of Zala Count Foundationd for Enterprise Promotion/ZMVA:
Economy Development Strategic Plan 2030 of City of Zalaegerszeg (PP5):
Economy Development Strategic Plan 2030 of City of Zalaegerszeg is a complex program managed by the Municipality of Zalaegerszeg. The policy was approved in 2020 and it is in its operational phase. It contains strategic and some specific objectives to develop local economy (Chapter 5.1 Financial tools, and 5.2.3 SME development). These objectives will be realized with the cooperation of ZMVA, named in the policy instrument as partner of the policy responsible body.
The main objective of the program is to empower local enterprises to adapt to the new challenges of economy, in particular to support their digitalization strategies. The priorities of the policy are: improving the innovation potential of the region, extending the business opportunities of SMEs in the region and implementing new, competitive technologies for SMEs.
Expected changes as benefit of the ATM for SMEs project:
Creating a new measure (thematic call) to “Priority 5.2.3 – SME development” of the PI, which will enable new projects in the field of SME digitalizations and crisis resiliency transformations.
In Economy Development Strategic Plan 2030 of City of Zalaegerszeg, chapter 5.2.3 (SME development) of the policy instrument will be improved with new calls for proposals, so that it will enable the realization of some of the newly released COVID-19 responses, mapped and shared in the ATM for SMEs project. The fields tackled by this new call are digital transformation and other crisis resiliency measures.
Influence of the partner on the policy change: Since ZMVA is named as the partner of the policy promoter in the implementation of the stategy, it will have direct influence on the final version of the policy, and also on shaping the new calls for proposals (to be lauched from 2022).
Concrete example for policy improvement:
The PP5 will add new measures and objectives to the „Financial Tools” and „SME development” chapters of the PI so as to encourage local SMEs to create digital solutions and crisis resiliency transformations.
The policy is already operational, the Municipaliy of Zalaegerszeg approved it in 2020. The concrete goal is to modify the measure of Chapter 5.1 (Financial tools) and chapter 5.2.3 (SME development) of the policy instrument. An overview is expected by the end of ATM project.
Alkalmassági feltételek:
Referencialista a hasonló típusú tevékenységek megnevezésére az elmúlt 3 évben legalább két alkalommal
Az ajánlatkérő képviselője, egyéb információ:
Kozma Tímea
Zala Megyei Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány
8900 Zalaegerszeg, Köztársaság 17.
T: +36/92 316-033
e-mail cím:
A megadott határidők tervezett határidők, melyek a projekt menete során módosulhatnak.
A szerződéses feladatok, a tevékenységek, a dokumentumok kis mértékben módosulhatnak, vagy nem kerülnek megvalósításra az esetlegesen felmerülő COVID-19 vírushelyzet és hatásai miatt, szükség esetén erről egyeztet a megrendelő a vállalkozóval. Minden egyes tevékenységhez a megrendelő által megadott templateket szükséges használni. A templatek nyelve angol, így azokat angol nyelven szükséges elkészíteni.
Az ajánlatokat kérjük tételes bontásban euroban, nettó és bruttó árban megadni, a meghatározott forma alapján szíveskedjék.
Az árajánlatokat kérjük legkésőbb 2021.09.20. 16:00 óráig eljuttatni a következő címre:
Zala Megyei Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány
8900 Zalaegerszeg, Köztársaság útja 17.
A feladat odaítélésének módja:
A szakmailag megfelelő ajánlatok közül a gazdaságilag legelőnyösebb ajánlatot tevővel kerül sor a vállalkozói szerződés megkötésére.
Számlázás, fizetési feltételek:
Vállalkozó a meghatározott összegű és a Megrendelő útmutatásai alapján a nemzeti eljárásrendnek megfelelően kiállított számlát köteles megküldeni a Megrendelő részére. A számla kiállítása és kiegyenlítése Euroban történik.
Megrendelő a Vállalkozó benyújtott számla ellenében a vállalkozói díjat a Vállalkozó bankszámlájára utalja át a számla kézhezvételétől számított 8 naptári napon belül.
A vállalkozói díj késedelmes átutalása esetén a Vállalkozó a törvényes késedelmi kamatot számolhatja fel.
A kért ajánlat tartalmazza a szokásos ajánlati tételeket (az 1.számú melléklet alapján megadott formában). Az ajánlattevő az aláírásával igazolja, hogy az adott munkafeladatot és a fizetési feltételeket megértette és azt az ajánlatkérésnek megfelelően szerződésszerűen fogja elvégezni.
A szerződéskötés várható időpontja: 2021.09.27. 14:00 óra
Ajánlatát és együttműködését előre is köszönjük.
Varga Miklós
Ügyvezető igazgató helyettes